The Overdone Ripple Effect Analogy

Tristan burst into my office shouting “that was the best therapy session I’ve ever done!” Which is basically the social worker’s version of spiking the ball in the end zone! To say he was floating is an over statement, but not much of one, and his words tripped over themselves as he paced back and forth recounting that this lady has made so much progress in such a short time and she had been so worried about coming to therapy in the first place and she was so committed to getting better and she was paying attention to her patterns and taking responsibility and and and and and…. And as Tristan gushed about the woman’s success, I beamed internally because just five years ago Tristan was a fledgling social work intern with us, and I’ve seen him make these same leaps of success that he is watching his client make!

I know I've yammered on about our interns in the same way he was talking about the client. "They are so much more confident, and engaged and professional and and and and," I gush to my colleagues.

I am in awe of the full bodied effect of Everybody Matters. Yes, the kiddos get better. Yes, the adults we work with get better, But also the interns do. And the staff do. And the teachers in the schools do. And heck, I do! On the daily, I am growing and learning and changing - sometimes painfully, but always for the greater good. And I marvel that I get to watch this constant positive transformation and am humbled by the bravery it takes the kiddos and the adults and the interns and the staff and teachers, and heck, even me, to make those changes. To become better versions of ourselves.

The whole idea of blogs that talk about this ripple effect are so overdone -- like really really overdone - but when I tried to think of a picture that describes what's happening - that's it - the overdone ripple effect picture.

And I’m so happy that we are a part of this overdone positive ripple effect phenomenon.

And I know we ALWAYS will be.

And that's my version of spiking the ball in the end zone!

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