Prepare your teachers to recognize and support student’s emotional needs and how to support themselves as well.

Everybody Learns teaches strategies to help students AND teachers cope and thrive.

Everybody Learns is here to SUPPORT YOUR TEACHERS

Teachers are caring and compassionate by nature. So, when their students are struggling, they worry and want to help. In many cases, they are quick to recognize the symptoms of trauma —poor academic performance, disruptive behavior or social withdrawal—but they don't always know how to help.

Additionally, post Covid, the educational climate itself is stressful and challenging and teachers are leaving the profession in droves. They are also stressed. Really stressed.

We can help in two ways:

  1. We help teachers understand what is happening with their students under stress. Everybody Learns is part of a growing movement to create trauma-informed schools that can provide for the holistic health and wellbeing of their students.

  2. We help teachers understand what is happening for THEMSELVES during this stressful time - and help them develop their personalized Professional Sustainability Plan.

Everybody Learns addresses both student and educator anxiety, and stress.

Numerous studies have associated traumatic experiences in kids with academic difficulties, attention- deficit , and disruptive and internalizing behaviors. Other studies have shown that almost half of children in America have experienced some form of trauma. So, it's an important problem to solve in our schools. Trauma can result from any number of unfortunate life events, including divorce, death, suicide, illness, bullying, violence, abuse, poverty, neglect and more. It can result from incidents at home, at school, or in the larger community--such as natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or even a global crisis, like the coronavirus pandemic.

The Everybody Learns curriculum addresses all types of trauma-induced symptoms, including anxiety, stress, fear, grief, guilt, shame and others. We teach your teachers how to recognize the signs of emotional and psychological distress that trauma can cause, and how to intervene in the most effective ways. Everybody Learns also addresses the issue of secondary trauma that comes from teachers and administrators coping with the emotional weight of helping students in distress.


The Troubling Facts about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • 47% of all children in the US have had at least one ACE

  • 22% of all children have two or more ACEs

  • ACEs negatively affect a child's development, education and health

  • ACEs are common across all incomes, races, and education levels

  • Classrooms with higher student stress levels result in higher rates of teacher burnout

Everybody Wins with Everybody Learns.


 Everybody Learns teaches teachers how to:

  • Recognize and support students (or themselves) when they are struggling

  • Nurture, protect, educate, and support students with trauma

  • Provide emotional support

  • Approach parents in a supportive and non-confrontational way

  • Create a trauma-sensitive environment at your school

  • Build resilience in children, families, and communities

Everybody Learns Programs

Trauma-Sensitive Schools/Adverse Childhood Experiences

This module begins with a review of childhood trauma and social-emotional learning helping teachers immediately understand that a brain under stress simply cannot learn. Then we explore a wide variety of strategies teachers and administrators can use to manage the emotional temperature of a classroom and allow for academic success.

Professional Sustainability: Social-Emotional Health for School Staff

This module offers strategies for stress management and emotional wellbeing for school staff. Often, we forget that it can be emotionally taxing to be the emotional support for students. In this module, we review specific tools educators can use to nurture themselves emotionally.

 About Everybody Learns


Everybody Learns is a professional development program sponsored by Everybody Matters, a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching coping and social skills to children who are struggling. Everybody Learns offers professional development modules on topics relevant to the education, health and welfare of K-12 students. These training modules are designed and implemented by experts in the field and are geared toward educators, parents and other individuals who work with children, including caregivers, community services and after-school enrichment programs.

Dr. Bennett MacKinney, Ed.D

Trainings Designed by Dr. Bennett MacKinney, Ed.D

Trainings Presented by Lori Madrid, MSW, LCSW

Everybody Learns was founded by Lori Madrid, MSW, LCSW and Bennett MacKinney, Ed.D. Lori Madrid is the founder and CEO of Everybody Matters, a non-profit launched in 2015 to train University-level social work interns to teach coping and social skills to children in the school system, who are unable to access those services elsewhere. Dr. Bennett MacKinney is a former teacher, principal and central office administrator. He has served a critical role in bringing restorative justice and equity programs to schools.

 Help your students thrive.

Create a trauma-sensitive environment at your school.

Act now. Fill out this form. Empower your teaching professionals.