This Blog is Late!

This blog is late. Super. Duper. Late. Like a week overdue. Or more? I lost track. I was supposed to have it completed prior. I’d made a commitment. We created a schedule and I had an obligation. I promised.

I failed.

Oh wait, I forgot to tell you this part. I got COVID. Yep. Right when this lovely blog was due, I was a nose blowing, body aching, mind clouded mess. So, I was sent the reminder to fulfill my promise, but couldn’t write a thing. No creativity. No clever anecdote. Just cuddled under a mound of blankets with my sweaty hair smooshed up against one side of my face and toilet paper wadded up in each nostril to catch whatever might try to escape while I faded in and out of sleep.

And it nagged at me that I was failing. But my head hurt behind my eyeball and my ears were kinda ringing so I acquiesced to failure and realized something pretty important.

I failed. And. It. Didn’t. Matter.

Big whoop.

Nobody noticed. Nobody cared.

This exceptionally important duty I had was basically a non-issue.

Is sharing inspiring information in this blog important? Absolutely. And simultaneously, it doesn’t matter.

Does Everybody Matter.? Yes. No doubt about that. Everybody Matters.

But most THINGS don’t.

And what a perfect reminder. I’ve spent the last two years of COVID teaching people professional sustainability. "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! "I shouted. "Forget all the non-important stuff and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!" And so I let that echo through my thoughts as I swilled NyQuil and did my best to sleep it off.

And now I’m slowly emerging, squinting into the sunshine and sloggingly typing this in an effort to add something important to the world by sharing these thoughts... take care of yourself...

Take. Care. Of. Yourself. Because, YOU matter!

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