I’m mad at my team!

Yeah, you read that correctly.  I’m mad at the whole Everybody Matters team, so read on as I spill the tea!  You wanna read this - it’s super juicy!

Here’s the deal - I woke up one morning last Fall and didn’t want to come to work. 

I panicked. 

Now I realize that this may not be out of the norm for some people, but in my 57 years on the planet I have NEVER not wanted to come to work.  Even if I knew it was going to be a tough day - I still wanted to go - I love a challenge.  

But on this day - I very adamantly did NOT want to come to work.  I froze for a moment, being confused about what I was feeling, on accounta I had never had the feeling of “not wanting to come to work” before.  

I immediately called our board member, Mary Jane, and blurted, “Something’s wrong! I don’t want to go to work! What’s THE MATTER WITH ME!”  

And Mary Jane was perfectly calm.  That’s her super power - being calm.  I could tell she was measuring her response - that’s what calm people do - and then she said quite matter of factly, “You have been building Everybody Matters for the last 7 ½ years, which means you’ve been thinking and planning and ‘doing’ non stop for that whole time.  You need a break.  An extended break.” 

“No.” I responded. “ I don’t know how to do that.  I don’t take breaks.  I have to BE here! I have to ….”

“And,” she interrupted, “you're really not going to like what I say next. Your. Team. Will. Be. Fine. Without. You.” 

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” I screamed inside my brain!!! “That is so MEAN! How dare she say that to me????” 

And she just kept droning on with her ridiculous LOGIC.  “They are so well trained.  They are so competent.  You can step away and they will take care of everything.” 

I wanted to barf. 

I called other board members so they could dispute her ridiculous notion - but they didn’t.  They took her side!!!! How dare they?????  But hey, if 10 people tell you you’re exhausted, you probably oughtta sit down.  Somewhere that’s NOT your office.  

It quickly occurred to me that I trot all over the state talking with people about Professional Sustainability - teaching them to ensure that they can play the long game and stay in the field as long as they’d like if they TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES - and my Board was reflecting this back to me - and after a few weeks I realized they were onto something here.  Yeah, they were right - both about me needing to refuel and about what I already knew - that my team is stellar. 

And I’m excited that they are stellar - but also mad - hear me out. 

Tristan, our program director, is either an 85 year old sage or an hysterically funny 12 year old boy depending on what the moment necessitates.  He is crystal clear in a time of crisis then two seconds later can be a total goofball.  Every team needs a Tristan.

Ashley, the coordinator, is a shining and very organized light of absolutely all things good.  She’s morphed into an uber competent and confident leader and this woman knows how to git ‘er done!

Jessica, aka baby hulk, is a feisty go-getter who does not suffer fools.  She creates a whole lot of WONDERFUL out of absolutely nothing without breaking a sweat.  

Shelby, one of the team leaders, is solid, stable, and wise.  She is able to see through the smoke and mirrors and get to the heart of the matter.  And she does this with no fanfare. Simple. Clean. Correct. 

Kathy is the supervisor extraordinaire and also maintains our level of quality.  She knows ALL of the rules and makes sure we all know them as well, and that, of course, we FOLLOW THEM!

Millie is a combo detective, database, cheerer upper, and can solve ANY situation. Yes, any. 

And Bob, well Bob takes care of the money - the numbers - all of the “non-feeling” feeling stuff.  But he nods and smiles when we all talk about emotions.  Bob’s smart that way. 

And top that all off with an exceptional Board of Directors and we are good to go. 

So - yes - Strong team.  Sound team. Fun team.  

And I’m proud of all of this, but geez, does anybody really wanna know that their team can get along without them.  There’s a two percent part of me that doesn’t like knowing that.  But the other ninety eight percent is happily going on sabbatical until mid-June to regroup and rejuvenate so that I can come back stronger and smarter and funner. (Is that even a word?)

And then, each of the team members will eventually do the same as we support each other and continue to be a strong team that does great things for kids! 

And for all of you who are working hard to take care of the world, in whatever way you do that, remember to take care of you … oh, and also surround yourself with a group of amazing people, and then be excited and proud when they are able to get along for a bit without you while you recharge! 

See you in June! 

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Everybody Thrives