SS Admin SS Admin

The Origin of Everybody Matters.

So, the experts in blogging said, “tell ‘em how this all got started.” Here goes:

Everyone loves to hear an origin story! Apple started in a garage. Potato chips were born when some gold miner accidentally dropped his potato slice in boiling bacon grease (um, I made that up, don’t fact check it!) But you get what I mean! Who thought up Spanx? That sliced bread sure is all the rage!

And so, the origin of Everybody Matters, 101: On an idyllic spring day while riding my unicorn through a meadow dotted with fairies and gnomes (those little scamps) and singing with a trill while

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SS Admin SS Admin

Everybody Matters. Period.

Wait, wait, wait! Don’t read on so quickly. Go back and look at that. That’s the moral of the story: Everybody Matters. Period.

For us, this isn't a talking point. It’s not an opinion. It’s our truth. We imagine a world in which Everybody Matters. Period. I wanted to stop writing after that first line, but…

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