At Everybody Matters we’re not horsing around

At Everybody Matters we’re not horsing around … except when we are. We consistently think outside of the box and sometimes even into the arena - so we partnered with The Heart of the Matter so our interns could learn about Equine Therapy utilizing the Eagala model. Here’s what it was like, right from the horse’s … whoops, I mean, interns’ mouths:

Being at The Heart of The Matter was a magical experience. I immediately felt at ease and comforted being around the animals and my peers. I truly felt like the animals were able to offer and provide me with everything I needed when I arrived there that day that I didn't even know about. I left feeling at peace and proud of myself. Liz - ASU Intern

I absolutely LOVED the equine psychotherapy presentation session! It was fun, incredibly enlightening and informative! I’ve applied my learning both in my work with Everybody Matters as an intern and in my own personal life. Sandy - BYU Intern

At Everybody Matters we understand that there are multitudes of paths to healing and we embrace a cafeteria model in the work we do. As an intern you will be exposed to a variety of modalities and learn that ultimately the person you are helping knows their own path … figure out which path they’re on and then bring the right tools to serve them well.

Show up with purpose and leave feeling rewarded. By the end of the Everybody Matters AZ internship, you will feel entirely confident to enter the field. Sign up today to start your internship!

Be a part of Everybody Matters by designating your Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization tax credit donation (Remember, you get this donation back dollar for dollar in your AZ taxes) Donate Now by Clicking Here


Look at these learners. They’re soaking it in.


So, even though I’m the CEO